Patria Invisibile-Siria
Patria Invisibile, Siria Interiore
Invisible homeland, Inner Syria
Site specific installation which consists of decorative drawings with traditional Damascus motifs created directly on the un-plastered walls of an abandoned house full of debris, sand, bricks.
The designs are made using Aleppo soap and color obtained from the pomegranate fruit, common elements of Syrian culture.
The drawings make up the installation together with a fragment of a votive image representing a Madonna with child whose hand holds a pomegranate and a poem by the Syrian poet Adonis.
The work is dedicated to the Syrian population which has been involved in a very violent conflict for many years, a conflict which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, mass displacement and destruction of civil infrastructure. 350,209 people were killed in the conflict in Syria between March 2011 and March 2021. Nearly one in 13 people was a child.
The project is carried out as part of the Verso Sud Festival, Corato, on the theme of abandonment.
Supported by the Puglia Region.